For Paediatrics, there is a chair of the ACP sub-group under the Managed Clinical Network for Paediatric Palliative Care.
There is an All-Wales PAEDIATRIC ACP document called the PAC-Plan (Paediatric Advance Care Plan), which has been developed over the past 10 years and has finally become an All-Wales document which has been endorsed by all the LHBs in Wales last year. This document can be used for young people 16 and over with or without capacity. There is a section (Section 3.3) where one can indicate what type of person the plan refers to. As a general rule, once the patient falls(predominantly) under adult services, the PAC-Plan is transferred onto appropriate adult ACP documents.
Dr Megumi Baba, a Consultant in Palliative Care is an All-Wales Lead for Transition in Palliative Care and part of her job is to make sure advance and future care planning is done in a timely way. There has been some consideration over development of an ‘ACP for Young Adults’ framework but it has been concluded that the adult ACP document could potentially be modified to accommodate the complexity the young adults with life limiting conditions may process that are important to be presented clearly on ACP documents. Further information from Dr Megumi Baba, Consultant Paediatric Palliative Medicine Lead for Transition in Palliative Care