*NEWS: The AFCP Strategy Group has produced some key documents to steer the direction of an electronic Advance and Future Care Planning resources and central repository for Wales: https://blogs.bmj.com/spcare/2022/07/14/electronicafcp
*NEWS: All Wales Advance & Future Care Planning Resources incl ADRTs and RBIDs have been agreed, and are available here.
*NEWS: All Wales DNACPR Policy & Form version 2020 can now be accessed via www.wales.nhs.uk/DNACPR
Advance/Future Care Planning Strategy and Mapping Exercise for NHS Wales
Professor Mark Taubert is currently chair of the Advance & Future Care Planning Group in Wales, which sits under the auspices of End of Life Care Implementation Board Wales and the Deputy CMO. The group have been tasked with collating examples of advance and future care planning practice and projects from Welsh health boards, trusts, organisations and charities. Examples of good practice have been listed below, so that organisations can learn from each other’s hard work in this area, and, where possible, seek to collaborate and step up those projects that have been successful. The examples below do not cover every project, and further submissions can be sent to us, simply get in touch. Furthermore, many of the projects have been initiated by patients and carers themselves, and we have included a British Medical Journal publication by a patient who has commented favourably on a Welsh ACP project.

We have used the terms Advance Care Planning (ACP) for situations where a patient has capacity and Future Care Planning (FCP) as a broader term to also include patients who lack capacity at a time when an anticipatory decision making process is suggested.
Prof. Mark Taubert, Strategic Lead for Advance and Future Care Planning, Wales
Video 1 (Vision for Wales)
Video 2 (Updated new DNACPR Policy)
Advance Care Plan ambitions for Wales
Vaughan Gething AC, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Services has announced the national and regional focuses of healthcare and social care. To read the statement visit https://beta.gov.wales/written-statement-advance-care-planning He includes a vision for a central electronic patient repository for patient’s plans, wishes and treatment approaches.
News and Documents:
The AFCP Strategy Group has produced some key documents to steer the direction of an electronic Advance and Future Care Planning resources and central repository for Wales:
- ‘Covid19: Supporting vulnerable patients and preparing for difficult serious illness conversations’ (video)
- A detailed specification, ratified by the group and by End of Life Care Board
- A letter to the chair of NHS Wales End of Life Care Board
- One of our group members has also produced a Business Case for a central electronic Future Care Planning patient record system for Wales
- Future care planning conference – Initial data
- Electronic Patient AFCP Record: Challenges and Solutions
Campaigns and Innovations
Campaigns and innovations devised and implemented across Wales by the different health boards can be viewed below:
- All Wales End of Life Care Board
- All Wales DNACPR
- All Wales Advance Care Plan Forms incl Advance Decision document, RBID forms, ACP forms (all bilingual)
- Powys Health Board
- Aneurin Bevan University Health Board / Gwent
- Swansea Bay UHB
- Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board
- Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
- Cardiff University Postgraduate Palliative Care MSc Programme Research
- Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB
- Hywel Dda University Health Board
- Velindre NHS Trust and Welsh Ambulance Service
- Welsh Ambulance Service
- Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) Wales
- 1000 Lives Plus
- Byw Nawr / Live Now
- Macmillan
- Paediatrics
- Welsh Neurological Alliance
- Wales Cancer Research Centre & Marie Curie Palliative Care Research Centre
- Welsh Renal Clinical Network
- Future Care Planning Conference Wales