Swansea Bay UHB University Health Board (ABMU) have received Macmillan Cancer Support funding for Two Macmillan Advance Care Planning Practitioners and One Advance Care Planning Support worker for a Three Year Project.
The AIM of this service is to enable a coordinated approach to the embedding of the ethos of Advance Care planning across Swansea Bay UHB. Service commenced Feb 2018.
Target group – all Health Care Professionals (HCP’s) across Swansea Bay UHB and to raise public awareness on ACP.
- Primary Care
- Secondary Care
- Mental Health Services
- Learning Disabilities
- Care Homes
- Homeless & Vulnerable adults
- Prison services
- Public awareness of ACP
Description of how the service is functioning
- Offering awareness sessions and support to all Swansea Bay UHB staff by contacting different departments and offering training. Posters sent throughout Primary and secondary care. Training sessions Continue. Outcome measure of training recorded with pre and post evaluation forms.
- Raising public awareness of ACP by attending public events. Liaising with voluntary sector organisations.
- Provided awareness training to medical students and has attended Maggie’s for awareness training. Maggie’s have requested further support and workshops.
- Attended Medical Professional Education for Awareness Training. SPR ACP training.
- Building HCP’s confidence in supporting their patients by facilitating ACP with individual patients with their care provider e.g. GP CNS and other HCP. This is a coaching/shadowing model
- Attending Prison service and supporting prisoners in ACP. Raising awareness of ACP with Prison personnel, particularly important as older population of prisoners in Parc Prison.
- Baseline audits sent to all General Practitioners Primary care in Swansea Bay UHB to ascertain Confidence and Knowledge of ACP and the training they require. Baseline audit of secondary care to be sent out September 2018. Outcome measure will be collated at the end of the project on primary and secondary care.
- Planning to work with WAST supporting education on ACP to the top 4 care homes who are frequent callers to WAST. Outcome measure will determine if the training has decreased the amount of calls received to WAST.